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Z Supplements





Nutritional Herbal Supplement Safety and Health Diet

Is zinc safe?

A zinc intake as low as 50mg. might increase a person's susceptibility to colds and infections.

Supplementing with more than 45mg. of zinc daily can reduce copper absorption; a high intake of zinc should be accompained by copper supplements.

A long-term, high intake of zinc (e.g. 80mg. to 150mg.) might increase the risk of heart disease.

Zinc sulfate supplements take in gram dosages can cause nausea, stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting.

How much zinc do I need?

The Daily Value for zinc is 15mg. per day.

Typical daily intakes of this mineral are 8.6mg. to 14mg.

Zinc deficiency can be caused by poor dietary intake, excessive intake of phytates in unleavened whole grains, chronic illness, poor digestion, or excessive intake of iron copper.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include anemia, poor appetite, birth defects, poor wound healing, sterility, skin disorders, fatigue, mental disorders, and nerve damage.